Legrand UPS 1f / 1f DAKER DK 4500VA, Rack 4U / Tower, On-Line, 4500VA / 4050W , RS2
Legrand UPS 1f / 1f DAKER DK 4500VA, Rack 4U / Tower, On-Line, 4500VA / 4050W , RS2Výrobca: LEGRAND
PN kód: 310053 Modelový rad UPS DAKER
Daker DK –UPS v prevedení tower rack pre umiestnenie do dátových rozvádzačov.Riešenie pre zálohovanie firemných pracovísk a serverov do 10kVA. On-line dvojitá konverzia VFI SS 111 od 1 do 10 kVA- on-Line UPS dvojitá konverzia, prevedenie inštalácie tower a rack- hlavné parametre systému a stav UPS je možné kontrolovať na otočnom LCD panely- pre predĺženie doby zálohy je možné UPS rozšíriť o ďalšie batériové moduly- reverzibilný displej pre zvislú a vodorovnú montáž (do rackov) Tri štandardné veľkosti pre výkon do 10 kVAPrídavne batériové moduly sú dostupné vo veľkostiach od 2U do 4U v závislosti od požadovanej doby zálohy Otočný reverzibilný ovládací panelHlavné parametre UPS DAKER DK vrátane stavu nabitia batérií a chybové hlásenia je možné kontrolovať na reverzibilnom(otočnom)displeji.Komunikačný software umožňuje vypnúť UPS v prípade poruchy, diaľkovo testovať jej funkcie s pridaním SNMP karty je možné kontrolovať , testovať cez internet, ďalšia možnosť je zasielať SMS v prípade konkrétnych udalostí.Interný konektor umožňuje vložiť SNMP komunikačnú kartu alebo releové rozhranie s nezávislými kontaktmi pre signalizáciu stavu UPS napríklad na priemyselných kontrolných paneloch. V prípade poruchy, preťaženia , prehriatia alebo plánovanej údržby zaisťuje nepretržitú prevádzku vstavaný alebo manuálny bypass. . Daker DK 4500 (310053) The Legrand UPS model Daker DK 4500 is an uninterruptible power source with high frequency PWM technology, Double Conversion OnLine, solid neutral, Rated Power 4, 500 VA – 4050 W, equipped with valve-regulated, hermetically-sealed accumulator batteries, contained in a specific compartment inside the UPS or in one or more external cabinets, sized to guarantee a minimum uptime of 6 minutes at 80% of the load.The electronics and batteries are contained in just four rack units. The rectifier of the UPS is comprised of a control and regulating circuit (PFC), which, in addition to normal rectifier functions also:• automatically corrects the power factor of the load to restore it to a value of & gt;0.99 with a load applied at the output at 20% of the rated load;• power the inverter without requiring energy from the batteries, even when there is very low voltage from the mains;• ensures a total harmonic distorsion of the input current THDIin & lt; 3% without the addition of filters or supplementary parts. The bypass circuit is designed and built in compliance with the following:- Electromechanical switch- Command and control logic managed by a microprocessor that:• automatically transfers the load directly onto the primary mains line without interrupting the power supply if any conditions of overload, over temperature, continuous voltage outside of the tolerances and inverter anomaly arise;• automatically re-transfers the primary mains line load to an inverter line, without interrupting the power supply, once normal conditions of the load have been restored;• if the primary mains line and the inverter are not synchronised, the bypass must be disabled. A diagnostic and shutdown software (UPS Communicator), if accordingly installed in a PC connected to the UPS, which allows you to access all of the DHEA s operational data, make adjustments and settings to the special functions and control Windows and Linux operating system shutdown.An optional software (UPS management software) offers hierarchic multiserver shutdown and remote management of the UPS for any operating system in a heterogeneous network (Windows, Novell, Linux and the common Unix). Daker DK 4500 is managed by a microprocessor and is able to display, on a control panel and LCD screen, the alarms and operating modes described below:• normal operation• output frequency that is not synchronised with the input• battery-powered operation• operation in bypass mode• faulty power module• overloaded• generic anomaly• incorrect neutral connection• back-up time• end of uptime The Daker DK 4500 Static Uninterruptible Power Supply bears the CE marking, pursuant to Directives 73/ 23, 93/ 68, 89/ 336, 92/ 31, 93/ 68, and is designed and built in compliance with the following standards:• EN 62040-1 “General and safety requirements for UPSs used in areas that are accessible to the operator”• EN 62040-2 “Electromagnetic Compatibility requirements (EMC)”• EN 62040-3 “Performance and test method requirements”. TECHNICAL FEATURES General FeaturesNominal power (VA): 4500Active power (W): 4050 Technology: On-Line Double Conversion VFI-SS-111 Waveform: Sinusoidal UPS architecture: convertible tower and rack 19 Input Input voltage: 230 V Input frequency: 50-60 Hz ±5% Autosensing Input Voltage Range: 160V - 288V on full load THD Input current: & lt; 3% Input power factor: & gt; 0.99 Compatibility with Power-Supply Units: Configurable to set up synchronism between the input and output frequencies, also for broader frequency ranges, ±14% Output Output voltage: 230V ± 1% Output frequency (nominal): 50/ 60 Hz (can be set from the LCD panel) +/ - 0.1% Crest Factor: 3:1THD Output voltage: & lt; 3% Output Voltage Tolerance: ±1% Batteries Uptime Expansion: NoNumber of batteries: 20Battery series Type/ Voltage: 12V 5Ah Uptime with 80% load (min): 6 Communication and management Display and Signals: Four buttons and four LEDs to monitor the status of the UPS in real time Communication Ports: RS232 serial ports, USB Remote Management: available Network interface slot: SNMP Environmental conditions Operating temperature (°C): 0 ÷ 40 °C Degree of protection: IP21 Relative humidity (%): 20÷80 % non-condensing Noise level at 1 m (dBA): & lt; 50Heat Loss (BTU/ h): 982 Mechanical features Measurements H x L x D (mm): 440x176 (4U) x680 Battery Cabinet Measurements H x L x D (mm): -Net Weight (kg): 52 Certifications Standards: EN 62040-1, EN 62040-2, EN 62040-3 Najpredávanejší tovar s podobnou cenou: - Nezaradené s podobnou cenou ± 20%Cenovo podobné Legrand UPS 1f / 1f DAKER DK 4500VA, Rack 4U / Tower, On-Line, 4500VA / 4050W , RS2[najžiadanejšie 5]
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