Patriot Viper 560 herní laserová myš
Patriot Viper 560 herní laserová myšV560 je herní myš od Patriotu s upravitelnou hmotností až 29, 4g, 5 profily a 9 programovatelnými tlačítky. Laserový senzor má citlivost až 8200 DPI. Aktuální DPI se dá monitorovat díky LED kontrolce. K pohodlí příspívá ergonomický design, dva zaměnitelné úchyty a keramické podložky pro maximální herní výkon a rychlost na jakémkoliv podkladu.
Vlastnosti: * Xtreme Precision Laser Lens * až 8200DPI * LED indikátor DPI, který se dá nastavit v software * Upravitelné barvy LED * 5 upravitelných profilů * 9 programovatelných tlačítek * Keramická třecí plocha (podložka) * Upravitelná váha pomocí závaží až 29, 4g * Váha 193g * Rozměry: 12.8 cm (D) x 8 cm (W) x 4.7 cm (H) * Rozměry krabice: 22 cm (D) x 16 cm (W) x 6.5 cm (H) EN recenze: Product: V560 Mouse Reviewer: 284; Region: North America Link: Comments: The Patriot Viper V560 is a very comfortable mouse, and extensive thought went into the design. It is built well and does not feel cheap. Using it in games was fun, and I never grew tired from my configuration of two out of six weights. The buttons around the mouse are situated comfortably, and mostly placed well to avoid accidentally pressing them if you use a palm grip. Product: V560 Mouse Reviewer: 211;#CPU Magazine Region: North America Link: Comments: If you’re looking for a feature-packed laser mouse that won’t chew through your wallet, Patriot’s Viper V560 is one of the best options out there. Product: V560 Mouse Reviewer: 465;#Modders-Inc Region: North America Link: Comments: I can say with confidence that the Patriot Viper V560 is a comfortable and capable mouse for browsing and gaming use. In addition to the side buttons, it is also has wheel tilting function, a feature which for some reason is not available on many gaming mice these days. Product: V760 keyboard and V560 mouse Reviewer: 473;#Technology X Region: North America Link: Comments: This duo blew us out of the water. The ability to quick-shift DPI’s and individually program up to 104 macro keys is amazing. You’re sure to be able to step your game up with the VIPER series peripherals. They are nice to look at and even more comfortable to use. Najpredávanejší tovar s podobnou cenou: Klávesnice, myši, joysticky - Laserové myši s podobnou cenou ± 20%Cenovo podobné Patriot Viper 560 herní laserová myš[najžiadanejšie 5]
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